GALLERY | Victoria Park takes out DAB’s top award for 2019

Former Mossman Hospital nurse and now successful artist Victoria Park has been rewarded for her exceptional work by receiving DAB’s highest honour, the Peter Culley Award for 2019.
Ms Park received the award at DAB’s end-of-year exhibition at their Mossman studio on Friday night which was attended by many of the exhibitors.
The Peter Culley Award was created to honour the founding tutor at DAB, who died in 2012. The extremely popular Culley taught many of the DAB artists and his infectious passion is still missed.
Ms Park received the award from DAB vice president Ellen Terrell.
“I am truly humbled and at the same time, delighted to receive the award. This is recognition which I shall treasure,” said Ms Park.
At the exhibition, Ms Park exhibited a piece of work titled Barnacle, which included hand-made corals and a metallic-glazed tripod.
She will also be exhibiting her work at the Artisan Christmas market on Saturday, December 14 organised by the Cairns Art Society which is being held on Shield Street from 5pm-9pm.
DAB, or the Douglas Arts Studio Gallery, is a not-for-profit arts centre run by volunteers. Their website is: where additional information can be obtained including the Semester 1 Program for 2020.

They were offered a pool filter to use, worked out the design, then each 'mosaiced' fish, crabs, seaweed and other under water bits and pieces to create a fantastic reef scene. They asked Ellen Terrell (DAB’s Pottery Tutor) if she would make an octopus to go on the top, which finished the piece perfectly. The following were involved in the project. (L-R) Sue Jones, Ellen Terrell, Andrea Falstein, Lee-Anne Witte, Kerrie Jamieson, Pat Lane and Deb Edds.
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