GALLERY | The lights come on in Mossman

Driving through Mossman at night has become a whole lot brighter after decorative lights in trees along Front Street and Foxton Avenue, as well as the Christmas tree lights, were all officially switched on Thursday night.
Mayor Julia Leu was there to do the honours, flipping the switch, joined by Councillors Abigail Noli and Roy Zammataro.
Mayor Leu said the coloured lights in the trees will become a permanent fixture with the colours able to change for the occasion, currently, they are green and red for Christmas.
“The new lights will hopefully be a boost for local traders and retailers, as well as encouraging Christmas cheer,” she said.
New banners have also been installed through the main street of Mossman for the festive season.
Indigenous Storytelling about Jarramali season (Storm Season) is the focal point for the banners.
They depict major moments in the Eastern Kuku Yalanji seasonal calendar like turtles nesting, fishing for barramundi, the time for building shelters, and hunting and gathering in the wetlands.
“Our local artists and Muruku Group members Margaret Rocky, Janine Paterson, Alison Creek and Fiona Creek are proud to be a part of the project, which promotes the use of traditional language within the Shire," Mayor Leu said.
“I love the new Christmas signage, Christmas tree and the new lights in the trees. I am really pleased to see some business already getting into the festive spirit along Mossman’s main street this festive season.”
GALLERY: Locals turned out to see the lights switched on.

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