GALLERY | Port Douglas Prep opens doors to help transition students

Port Douglas State School held its Prep Orientation day today in an effort to helps kids feel less anxious for their first day of school.
For some students the first day of school can be exciting while for others it’s terrifying. An orientation day can make the transition that much smoother, allowing children and parents to familiarise themselves with teachers and the school.
Port Douglas State School Prep teacher Beth Hughes said the children were there today to engage in different school activities while beginning to build relationships between the teachers and other students.
“We take them for a walk around the school to show them the facilities like the multipurpose cyclone shelter, the computer lab, and the library. All the facilities they will be using during their schooling,” she said.
“Doing this the children have so much more confidence when they come in and are therefore able to hit the ground running.
“They are all very confident, we don’t have any separation anxiety issues.”
The orientation day follows earlier information sessions for parents which outlines what they can expect for their children.
“We explain to parents the curriculum, how we work with the community, and the social, emotional, and educational things they will learn in their first year of school.
Ms Hughes added the children in their classes are from all over the community including
Port Douglas, Mossman, Cooya Beach, and Oak Beach.
“We have good enrolments at the moment but if there are any other children in the community looking for places for school, they are still more than welcome to contact the school or come in for a visit,” Ms Hughes said.
Check out all the action from the Prep Orientation Day below:

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