GALLERY | Palmer Sea Reef rewards its 2019 winners

The Palmer Sea Reef golf course has honoured its respective champions for 2019 and Golf Operations Supervisor Stewart Booth was on hand to present the awards at a members’ presentation at the club on Saturday night.
Michael Foley and Angie Johnson were the men’s and ladies’ Medal of Medallists champions respectively.
The 2019 winners:
Men’s matchplay: Trevor Hauff beat Kyle Livingston after extra hole.
Ladies matchplay: Narelle Kullack beat Sue Cooper at the final hole.
2019 Medal of Medallists:
Men: Michael Foley
Ladies: Angie Johnson
Palmer Sea Reef Club Championships:
C Grade Ladies Nett: Julie White
C Grade Ladies Gross: Michele Salkow
C Grade Men’s Nett: Hughie Collins
C Grade Men’s Gross: Michael Pobjoy
B Grade Ladies Nett: Ritsuko Dickinson
B Grade Ladies Gross: Wilmar Frame
B Grade Men’s Nett: Peter Watts
B Grade Men’s Gross: Ingo Doescher
A Grade Ladies Nett: Suzi French
A Grade Ladies Gross: Megan Wallis
A Grade Men’s Nett: Tony Lovatt
A Grade Men’s Gross: Michael Foley
Gallery of winners from Palmer Sea Reef Golf Course. Images by Howard Salkow

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