Environment and education focus of Think Tank

Agro ecologist Gavin Kay will be the guest speaker at the fifth community Think Tank tomorrow at the Mossman Bowls Club and will discuss how sustainable approaches to agriculture can help mitigate climate change.
Mr Kay studies the ecology of food systems and helps transition current agricultural systems to a more environmentally sound but still economically viable process.
He will address why it is important to support this transition, provide real-world examples of systems that he has worked on that have been successful, and how it can be applied to the Douglas Shire.
“It is the most important thing we can be doing in the world at present. Stabilisation of the climate is aspirational; stabilization of our productive systems is non-negotiable,” he said.
“In a changing climate, more resilient agricultural systems will mean the difference between profit and loss for some, life and death for others. In any case, more resilience is good so we should all work together toward that goal.
“Farmers have more potential as individuals than any other for the draw-down of atmospheric carbon, but they need support in the transition required,” Mr Kay said.
Two other local speakers, Michael Sawyer, and Julie Verri, will address the Think Tank.
Mr Sawyer is a horticulturist who is leading a program that will see a group of unemployed community members learn to establish and care for a veggie garden at the Community Centre.
Mrs Verri is an experienced school teacher who is the head and heart behind the Tropical North Steiner School, a new education option in Mossman that plans to open its doors in 2021.
Mrs Verri said she will introduce what Steiner education is, what it looks like in the classroom and how it differs to mainstream education.
“I’ll talk about what support we still need from the community to move forward. We are seeking capable people to join our committee,” she said.
“The school site is ready; we have the land lease approved and have received government accreditation which means once we have enough enrolments to open, we can also get government funding.”
Think Tank Details:
When: Saturday 7 December 2019
Where: Mossman Bowls Club, Johnston Road, Mossman.
Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm
12.00: Introduction & Housekeeping
12.10: SESSION 1 - Community projects and Updates
- Julie Verri - Tropical North Steiner School
- Michael Sawyer - Community Garden Project
12.50: WORKSHOP - Questions for Council candidates
13.10: SESSION 2 - Economic opportunities & Updates
- Gavin Kay, Agro-Ecologist: Regeneration through
Agriculture - One goal, many paths
13.50: Conclusion and Finish at 14.00
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