Douglas Shire on level 3 water restrictions

Level three water restrictions have been introduced across the Douglas Shire from today, just one week after level two restrictions came into effect.
High consumption and a lack of rainfall has contributed to a rapid drop in water levels at the Rex Creek Intake, the main water source for Port Douglas and Mossman, forcing the implementation of level three restrictions for the second year in a row.
The Douglas Shire Council has placed a temporary ban on sprinklers in the Douglas Shire as the latest Bureau of Meteorology Climate Outlook predicts a drier and hotter than average end to the year.
Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu urged everyone to decrease water usage, particularly in the backyard and gardens.
“The past couple of years have been unusually dry and Council is left with no choice but to prepare for the further drier conditions and impose more strict restrictions,” she said.
“We are asking people to help us save water, ditch the sprinklers and limit your water usage to essential household tasks.”
Douglas Shire Council has ordered its outdoor crews to minimise water usage and sprinkler patrols will be ensuring compliance with the restrictions.
“Council will be working with our heavy water users to reduce demand from our water supply.” Mayor Leu said.
Water levels have dipped below 100mm and Council’s water extraction is limited by its State Government licence.
Current usage is about 12.5 ML per day, or almost five Olympic-sized swimming pools.
To put that in perspective, the new Port Douglas Water Supply Reservoir has a 20ML capacity.
Watering is allowed daily from 6am to 8am and 6pm to 8pm with a hand-held hose only, which must be attended at all times.
Sprinklers usage and irrigation systems on gardens is strictly prohibited, with previous exemptions invalid for this period. The use of bore water systems and rainwater tanks for gardening is allowed.
Watering is allowed at any time using a watering can or bucket.
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