Douglas residents eligible for TAFE tourism scholarships

Douglas Shire residents affected by the flooding earlier this year are eligible to apply for one of 12, $5,000 scholarships towards study at TAFE Queensland.
The Volunteers and Events Training Program scholarships are available to people living in 39 local government areas impacted by January’s monsoon, including the Douglas Shire.
The scholarships are funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) and are hoped to boost the tourism sector after flooding affected visitor numbers.
Minister for Natural Disaster and Emergency Management David Littleproud said the scholarships would let Northern Queenslanders get jobs in the tourism industry.
“This will help build on Queensland’s world-class tourism industry,” Minister Littleproud said.
“Northern Queensland is full of hidden tourism gems; we need to put more of them on show.
“This will create long-term jobs and boost regional economies in flood-affected areas,” he said.
Queensland Minister for Training and Skills Development Shannon Fentiman said the scholarships were part of the $5 million Tourism Package being funded under the DRFA for the Monsoon Trough and would give recipients a kick-start in areas like event management, hospitality, commercial cookery and business administration.
“The scholarships provide a fantastic opportunity for Queenslanders to study for one of five tourism-related Diplomas or a Certificate IV in commercial cookery,” Minister Fentiman said.
She added that Queenslanders from these flood-affected communities have the opportunity to gain a valuable qualification and a chance to build a career in the exciting tourism and hospitality industry.
“This initiative is part of our commitment to supporting Queensland’s tourism industry in the North and North West, which has been doing it tough over the past 10 months.”
The scholarships are available to Australian citizens or permanent residents living in eligible local government areas.
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