Designer to present vision for proposed Port Douglas lagoon

The designer of the chemical-free swimming hole proposed for Port Douglas will be presenting his vision to the community next month in the first round of public consultations.
Douglas Shire Council has today announced world-renowned landscape architect, Phillip Johnson, and key Council officers will consult with the public in three, two-hour-long community engagement sessions on 11 December at Port Douglas Community Hall.
The consultations aim is to provide an opportunity for locals to get more information from the designer and ask questions about the project.
Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu encouraged everyone to save the date to learn more about the once-in-a-generation project.
“Phillip has a knack for inspiring others with his innovative projects and I suspect the community will be thoroughly impressed with his story and vision,” she said.
“There has been plenty of discussion about the initial vision and I encourage everyone to bring their questions and comments to the table.
“We are excited, and the Surf Club is excited, so let’s continue the conversation with the community about what this project should look like.”
During the consultations, Council staff will conduct presentations about the business case, reason for location and discuss the major challenges of delivering the project.
A first impressions survey conducted after the initial release of the vision revealed 81% of respondents supported the project, while 19% were against it.
“We have provided three sessions to give everyone the best opportunity to come along, hear all the information and ask any questions they feel are unanswered,” Mayor Leu said.
Public consultation times at Port Douglas Community Hall are:
• 10am – 12.00pm
• 2:00pm – 4:00pm
• 5:30pm – 7:30pm
To register which session you would like to attend email:
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