Dave's Takeaway is safe and secure in Dave's hands
Popular Port Douglas fish, chip and burger bar, Dave’s Takeaway, has been sold from one Dave to another Dave.
Dave Lowe, who opened Dave’s Takeaway eight years ago, said the shop will be left in safe hands and while he is sad to say goodbye to Port Douglas, it is time for him to move on.
“I opened the shop with a three-to-five-year plan and have now done eight years. It is time to head back to the family in Melbourne.
“I have had a lot of fun times in Port Douglas and have met a lot of characters through the shop, especially through the Wall of Dave’s," he said.
The Wall of Dave’s refers to the famous wall in the shop covered by photos of people named Dave.
Dave’s come from all over to get their photo added to the legendary wall and Mr Lowe said he now has 2,334 Dave photos on display.
“Normally we get at least one a day with the most being six in a day. All are Dave’s and all show their ID.
“It started because people used to stand under the Dave’s Takeaway sign and take photos so one day we grabbed a polaroid camera and started taking photos,” Mr Lowe said.
He added that the wall has been a highlight of owning the business.
“A lot of Dave’s come in really excited and cameras are going off everywhere. The Wall of Dave’s has definitely been a hit.”
In an ironic twist, one of the first Dave’s to get his photo on the wall is new owner David Dowell.
Mr Dowell and his partner Susan Gray will take over the shop in the coming weeks and say they are going to continue Mr Lowe’s hard work.

“We're not here to turn it upside down, Dave (Lowe) has done a great job and has an awesome reputation,” said new owner Susan.
Ms Gray added that regulars will still see all their favourites on the menu and Dave’s can still come in for a picture with the Dave Wall set to continue.
“We are keeping the legendary wall for sure,” she said.
Mr Dowell and Ms Gray had been visiting Port Douglas for many years before deciding to make the move up for the relaxed lifestyle and people of the area.
“We already knew Dave (Lowe), he is a family friend and one day over drinks with him we decided to give it a go.
“Now we will continue as a family run business with my daughter and David’s (Dowell) son coming on board as well,” Ms Gray said.
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