Crystalbrook’s Bailey set to be art lovers’ dream

In a night filled with art, entertainment, sparkle and excitement, Crystalbrook Collection – owners of the Port Douglas Marina – unveiled its newest hotel, the Bailey, in Cairns last week.
And Crystalbrook owner, Ghassan Aboud, said the hotel exceeded all expectations.
“It not only looks like a work of art, but it will also act as a hub for local artists,” he said.
The hotel sits in the heart of the city’s cultural precinct and features dedicated art spaces in the public areas as well as celebrating a different artist on each of its 12 floors.
The Bailey will host an on-going art program covering everything from evening workshops to poetry recitals, and dance performances.
“I look forward to seeing the hotel showcase partnerships with many more local artists,” said Mr Aboud.
“I want the Bailey to be an ever-evolving, ever-changing home for art in all its forms. This could be dance, song, painting, literature, jewellery design. Anything is possible.”
The opening celebration featured performances by more than 20 different artists including Japanese drummers, contortionists, a flash mob, roaming ballerinas and an opera singer.
More than 250 of Queensland’s leading business people and dignitaries, including Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, attended the event.
All eyes were on the Premier after Mr Aboud had called out earlier in the day at a media conference, the State Government’s inaction on the region’s declining tourist numbers and inbound aviation through Cairns Airport.
She said the Bailey is a stunning, job-boosting, new addition to the Cairns skyline and is Crystalbrook’s second five-star hotel to open in the city in the past 12 months.
“In an incredible show of confidence in the Tropical North, by the end of 2020, the group’s collection of properties will have added more than 800 hotel rooms to Cairns, creating 3,500 jobs and injecting more than $900 million into the local economy,” she said.
The Bailey is the second of three Crystalbrook hotels to be opened in Cairns. The Riley was opened late last year and Flynn is expected to open early in the New Year.
Crystalbrook’s interim CEO, Geoff York, said their ambition in building in Cairns has always been to see visitor growth in the Far North.
He said that Far North Queensland has so much to offer, but believes some people may have forgotten this and Crystalbrook is actively working to put the region back on the international map.
“It takes some pushing and reminding people of what makes a great destination,” he said.
Crystalbrook’s major focus is the need to see an increase in aviation traffic through Cairns Airport and they have Emirates and Etihad airlines in mind.
“We have worked with the Cairns Regional Council to look at Middle Eastern airlines: Etihad, Emirates airlines. It won’t happen overnight.
“Cairns Airport is doing a lot of work behind the scenes to encourage these airlines and others to land here,” said Mr York.
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