Council launches environmental workshops

Douglas Shire Council has announced two public workshops to gather input into and build on their environmental initiatives.
The workshops are designed to muster community feedback on initiatives listed in the current Corporate Sustainability Strategy and guide Council’s future direction.
Two workshops will be held on December 12: first in Cow Bay and the second in Port Douglas.
Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said the workshops were an opportunity for people to learn about the organisation’s environmental actions and have their say on future direction.
“Our current strategy is dynamic and ensures Council embraces its role as custodians of the Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics World Heritage Area,” she said.
“People will notice many environmental actions listed in the strategy have been ticked off, while others are in progress.
“We want to touch base with the community and see if more ideas are out there to build on this strategy.”
Earlier this year, Council purchased a 376-hectare block of land, north of the Daintree River to expand its environmental initiatives. The land, which was purchased for $725,000, has cleared sections of about 70 hectares.
The land-use will also be informed by the Corporate Sustainability Strategy 2020-2023, which is currently in the early stages of development.
Council, meanwhile, executed a Licence Agreement to enable the existing farmer to continue to use the land for cattle. Mayor Leu said Council recognised the importance of developing and integrating sustainable environmental practices across its operations.
“Our world-renowned natural assets and environment are critical for maintaining the economic success of the region,” she said.
“The rainforests of the Wet Tropics and the reefs systems of the Great Barrier Reef support a strong economy, with about 1.2 million tourists visiting the Shire every year.”
View current Corporate Sustainability strategy here.
DSC’s adopted sustainable principles:
i. Preserve and restore the natural environment.
ii. Utilise resources efficiently.
iii. Protect and enhance biodiversity.
iv. Monitor and reduce Council’s environmental footprint.
v. Strengthen Council’s resilience to climate change.
vi. Display strong environmental leadership.
Environmental workshops:
Thursday, December 12:
• 10am – Cow Bay
• 5.30pm – Port Douglas
Venues to be announced: watch Council’s website for more details.
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