Council initiatives for cyclone season

In preparation for a possible cyclone, Douglas Shire Council is working on a number of initiatives, which householders should be aware of.
Emergency Preparedness: Cyclone season is between November and April
Before the cyclone season, you should make every effort to prepare yourself and your family (including pets) by having your emergency kit stocked and ready to go. Your kit should be stored on a Get Ready Douglas Wallet-card USB (see attached image) and include your valuable documents, enough supplies for all members of your family to survive for at least three days. For tips on what to include in an emergency kit, refer to the Emergency Kit Checklist.
From 11 – 29 November 2019, ratepayers and residents of the Douglas region are urged to Know Your Risk. Council provides Get Ready Douglas Wallet-card USBs, which are preloaded with disaster preparation checklists and storm surge zone maps.
How can you do this? By visiting Mossman Community Centre or Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre, taking your valuable documents and scanning your important personal documents to keep with you during a disaster event. Coin donations welcomed for the centre’s Emergency Relief Funds.
Visit the Mossman Community Centre:
• Tuesday: 10:00 – 12:00
• Thursday: 10:00 – 12:00
Or the Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre:
• Wednesday: 10:00 – 12:00
• Thursday: 13:00 – 15:00
Important documents to bring along for scanning:
• Insurance papers for household contents, vehicles and valuable items.
• Inventory of valuable household goods.
• Will and/or life insurance documents.
• House deeds or mortgage documents.
• Birth and marriage certificates.
• Passports and visa details.
• Stocks and bonds.
• Medicare, pension cards and immunisation records.
• Bank account and credit card details.
• Back-up copies of important computer files and passwords.
• Pet details: registration, microchip number and photos.
• Household emergency plan with emergency contact numbers.
In addition, this is an opportunity for residents to ascertain what their storm tide risk is. To ensure you have a storm tide sticker, check the inside of your meter/power box cover for a storm surge sticker in red, orange or yellow or visit the Douglas Community Dashboard.
Storm tide stickers are available for collection from the Douglas Shire Council Administration Building, 64 – 66 Front Street in Mossman. Please ask for Georgia or Jamie.
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