Car rollover injures three young men near Mount Garnett

Three young men have been injured in a serious crash near Mount Garnett late last night.
Paramedics, including Critical Care and a Rescue Helicopter, were called to the Kennedy Highway just before midnight following reports of a single-vehicle rollover.
Queensland Ambulance confirmed three patients were treated at the scene.
The first patient, a 20-year-old-male sustained chest and head injuries, was airlifted to Cairns Hospital in a serious condition.
He currently remains in intensive care in a serious but stable condition.
An 18-year-old male suffered serious leg injuries and suspected spinal injuries, and was transported to Atherton Hospital but has since been moved to the Cairns Hospital in a stable condition.
The third patient is a 20-year-old male who was treated for leg and abdominal injuries and was also transported to Atherton Hospital in a stable condition.
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