Cape York croc euthanised after attacking ranger

The Crocodile that attacked an off-duty Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service ranger in Cape York on Sunday has been euthanised.
Department of Environment and Science (DES) today confirmed Wildlife officers located and humanely euthanised the crocodile just north of Captain Billy’s Landing.
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DES said the 2.8 metre crocodile was located around 8.00pm last night in the ocean near the attack site.
The animal had been spotted during helicopter surveys of the area.
The body of the crocodile has been recovered and buried in consultation with Traditional Owners.
The 54-year-old ranger, Craig Dickmann, reportedly escaped the jaws of the crocodile by stabbing it in the eye before driving an hour back to the Heathlands Ranger Station for help.
He suffered serious injuries to his thigh, hand and arm and was airlifted to Cairns via the Royal Flying Doctor Service, where he is recovering in hospital.
DES said any crocodiles that pose a threat to human safety are targeted for removal under the Queensland Crocodile Management Plan.
At this time of the year, with the Wet Season approaching, larger estuarine crocodiles tend to move around and become aggressive with each other as they search for mates and breeding territories.
Members of the public are encouraged to report crocodile sightings as soon as possible, by calling 1300 130 372. DES investigates all reports it receives.
Captain Billy’s Landing is known Croc Country and the DES are reminding people in the area to always be Crocwise.
In particular:
• Expect crocodiles in ALL far northern Queensland waterways even if there is no warning sign
• Obey all warning signs – they are there to keep you safe
• Be aware crocs also swim in the ocean and be extra cautious around water at night
• Stay well away from croc traps – that includes fishing and boating
• The smaller the vessel the greater the risk, so avoid using canoes and kayaks
• Stand back from the water’s edge when fishing and don’t wade in to retrieve a lure
• Camp at least 50 metres from the edge of the water
• Never leave food, fish scraps or bait near water, camp site or boat ramp
• Never provoke, harass or feed crocs
• Always supervise children near the water and keep pets on a lead
• Remember, you are responsible for your own safety in Croc Country
• Report all croc sightings to DES by calling 1300 130 372.
View further Crocwise information here.
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