BREAKING | Missing couple found dead in bushland

Police have confirmed the bodies of a Townsville couple have been recovered from Kearneys falls in a remote campground south of Cairns.
Police believe the pair to be 24-year-old Simon Walker and 32-year-old Sherei Anderson.
It is believed the couple were camping in the Goldsborough area and appear to have fallen while climbing the steep falls.
“We believe that this incident is a direct consequence of misadventure, rather than any third party involvement,” Police said.
Anyone who was in the area Thursday night or Friday morning that may have seen anything is urged to contact police.
A report will now be prepaid for the Coroner.
Two bodies, believed to be a missing Townsville couple, have been found in the Goldsborough area.
The bodies believed to be a 32- year-old woman and a 24-year-old man were found in Goldsborough bushland between Lake Tinaroo and Cairns late yesterday.
The couple was reported missing after failing to return to work yesterday following a camping trip.
The cause of death has not yet been revealed.
Police are expected to make a statement shortly.
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