Weekend beach fun with Douglas' newest sporting club

Beach goers during Carnivale will have a chance to try a new sport when the Douglas Hockey Association sets up a beach hockey rink right on Four Mile.
The association is turning a section of Four Mile Beach into the Douglas Hockey Beach Championships on Saturday and Sunday from 9.00am to 3.00pm.
Anyone who heads down the beach for Carnivale over the weekend will have a chance to give the sport a go and learn about the Shire’s newest sporting club.
“No shin pads, shoes or worries … just sun, sand and fun. Hockey has arrived at the beach,” said association president Greg Mill.
“With soft sand underfoot, most of the play is aerial, providing plenty of fast-paced, skillful action.”
Teams on the day are five-a-side, with rolling substitutions, and play eight minute halves within the specially designed multi-colored inflated field with special inflated goals.
Modified hockey sticks are used and the ball is a mini football, the same size as a handball, which is light and can go through the sand easily.
Teams will be broken into:
- Juniors: 13-15 yrs and 16-18 yrs in the morning
- Seniors 18–40 yrs and Masters 40+ yrs in the afternoon
Teams can be mixed genders and no prior field hockey or beach hockey experience is required.
Form a team or just turn up on the day and register to play!
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