Walking hockey perfect for low-impact active fun

The latest sports innovation in the Douglas Shire doesn't involve high-tech strategies or anything too complex, but a perfect mix of walk, talk and small fun games.
Walking hockey be being lunched by the Douglas Hockey Association this morning to engage locals whose physical limitations prevent them from playing regular field-hockey or other team sports.
Douglas Hockey Chairman Greg Mill said it was an exciting opportunity to make hockey more inclusive.
"Whether you can't play sport because of a disability, injury or age, you can still get the support of a club, enjoy our game, get fit and make new friends” he said.
"It's designed to be low-impact, If you can walk, then you can play.Walking hockey can help people remain active through their lives, regardless of age or ability."
The game is played on a small pitch, with mixed teams of six a side.
Mr Mill said walking hockey programs had already been launched in England, where it picked up the national England Hockey Innovation Award and has had glowing reviews from participants.
"When I read about the program, I fell in love with it,” he said.
"Given the community we're based in, it definitely appeals to our area.”
The association will officially launch Walking Hockey on Friday 10 May at 10.00am at the Coronation Park Sports Complex, Grant Street, Mossman with a ‘come and try session’.
Training and fun matches will be run at the same venue on Wednesday nights at 6.30pm from 15 May.
Mr Mill said "our aim is to have community club walking teams competing against each other for the 2019 Douglas Challenge Walking trophy.
"You never know, if it takes off, we could have a national competition,” he said.
Contact douglashockeyassoc@gmail.com or 0481086056 to RSVP and get more information.
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