ON THE AGENDA | Coastal plan, subdivision, and financials

Councillors will vote to adopt the Resilient Coast Strategic Plan which was developed to proactively manage the impact of coastal hazards now and into the future, up until 2100, at Tuesday’s open meeting in Council Chambers.
The Strategic Plan recognises a shared responsibility for the management of coastal hazard risk; shared by Council, other land managers and private land owners.
The Strategic Plan includes adaptation actions under the following four themes:
- Shire-wide initiatives to enhance resilience and adaptive capacity.
- Planning updates.
- Modifying infrastructure.
- Coastal management and engineering – whilst recognising that the Douglas economy is underpinned by the natural beauty of the landscape.
Douglas Shire is prone to cyclone and storm events, and coastal hazard impacts are predicted to increase with a changing climate.
Council created the Douglas Shire Resilient Coast program after securing grant funding under the State-wide QCoast2100 program.
Councillors will be asked to adopt the Schedule of Fees and Charges for the 2019/20 financial year, which include: Animal Management, Building, Cemetery and Community Services and the Daintree Ferry, among others.
The Financial Report detailing the progress of the 2018/19 budget for the period ended 30 April 2019 will be presented.
Key points:
- Operating revenue is ahead of budget by $693k.
- Operating expenditure is under budget by $408k.
- The operating Surplus (Year to Date) is currently $3.1m compared to a budgeted Surplus of $2m.
Douglas Shire Council ordinary meeting
Tuesday, 28 may 2019 at 10:00am
Table of contents
- Lot 2 Captain Cook Highway, Andreassen Rd Craiglie, Rol (1 into 32 residential lots, park, drainage reserve road and balance land)
- Request to have site removed from declared sewer service area - 82-90 Mitre Street, Craiglie
- Resilient coast strategic plan
- Schedule of fees and charges 2019-2020
- Monthly financial report April 2019
- Amended water usage charge for untreated water supply
Closed session items
- Contractual matter s275 (1)(e) local government regulations 2012 - contract 2019-019 Craiglie reservoir roof replacement
- Prejudicial matter s275 (1)(h) local government regulation 2012 - RADF 2018-19 committee funding recommendations
- Prejudicial matter s275 (1)(h) local government regulation 2012 - Tourism Port Douglas Daintree quarterly report January to March 2019
- Prejudicial matter s275 (1)(e) local government regulation 2012 - Water Park, Port Douglas
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