New Noah Creek Bridge designed but not yet approved

Council has received the preliminary design from NQ Civil Contractors for the Noah Creek Bridge project.
The proposal is to build a new crossing upstream of the existing bridge, which is located on Cape Tribulation Road, between Thornton Beach and Cape Tribulation – 27 kilometres by road north from the Daintree ferry and 9 kilometres south of Cape Tribulation.
The new crossing will be a two-lane bridge - vehicles only, no pedestrian access - and will be built from concrete with steel barrier rails.
The crossing’s flood immunity will be increased from approximately one in 10-year (10 per cent chance of flooding per year) to one in 100-year (1 per cent chance).
The existing bridge will remain in use until the new bridge is opened so it is anticipated there will be minimal impact to road users.
Current weight restrictions will remain in place for the old bridge, which will be removed to stream-bed level once the new bridge is in use.
By way of timing, once Council engineers have reviewed the preliminary design, it will be submitted to the various authorities for approval.
As approvals are required from several government departments a time-frame cannot be provided with any certainty.
Council is hopeful construction will commence this year, however, until the permits are received, a definite schedule cannot be provided.
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