Douglas Shire first to implement coastal management plan

The Douglas Shire Council’s Resilient Coast Strategy was formally adopted at yesterday’s Council meeting in Mossman and Council has the distinction of being the first to implement this strategy in Queensland.
They are now committed to 35 priority actions to reduce the impacts of coastal hazards on communities and natural assets.
“I am extremely proud that we are the first council to complete this project,” said Mayor Julia Leu.
“The State Government and Local Government Association of Queensland provided funding to Queensland coastal councils to develop a strategic approach to managing coastal hazards.
“With the funding awarded to Douglas Shire Council, we created the Resilient Coast program,” said Cr Leu. Douglas Shire Council was granted $53,977 by the State Government.
The Member for Cook, Cynthia Lui, said this wonderful achievement is a perfect example of how beneficial the partnerships between State and Local Government are.
“This project was funded as part of the Queensland Government’s $12 million QCoast2100 program and it’s fantastic to see the Douglas Shire Council deliver this.
“With climate change impacting, our coast lines are changing and this plan will result in action to help reduce coastal hazards and prepare for storm tide inundation.
“I’m sure the locals will be happy to know there is a long term strategic plan in place for them and for future generations,” she said.
Cr Leu said the community was now equipped with the knowledge to proactively plan for future coastline impacts.
“We know our community and visitors value our coastline and it is a key reason why people choose to live, work, visit and invest in the Douglas Shire,” she said.
“I am immensely proud that we are the first Council in Queensland to develop a Strategic Plan to better prepare our community from coastal hazards and the impacts of climate change.
“We now have more accurate and refined data for Douglas Shire that gives everyone greater confidence to plan.
“This strategic plan enables us to be better prepared to reduce the impacts of coastal hazards on our communities, environment, cultural values, infrastructure, liveability and services,” said Cr Leu.
The strategic plan encourages cross-sector collaboration to improve the understanding of future coastal hazard implications for local native species and ecosystems.
Contents of the Plan
- An overview of landscape features, values, history, and important elements of a Resilient Coast for Douglas Shire.
- An overview of coastal hazards, including erosion and storm tide inundation, areas that may be exposed to coastal hazards, and the implications of exposure including potential economic costs.
- Douglas Shire’s approach to adaptation, including a framework for shared responsibilities, adaptation responses and options.
- Priority adaptation actions across the Shire.
- Locality summaries with tailored adaptation actions for different communities.
- The approach to implementation, including adaptive management and change management planning.
To view the plan:
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