DAB gives artists a chance to let their creativity shine


Karlie Brady


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SHINING BRIGHT: Acrylic painting called 'Sunflower' by DAB member Glenda Gordon. Image: Karlie Brady.

As we continue our series on the local arts and culture of the Douglas Shire, we take a look at Mossman’s very own local art gallery.

Douglas Art Studio Incorporated, locally known as DAB, is a not-for-profit community-based arts centre that provides a hub for local artists and craftspeople.

Gallery Committee Chair, Mandy Ryan, said the centre offers locals an environment to showcase their creativity.

“DAB provides quality opportunities for the whole community to learn, create, share, inspire, and be inspired,” Ms Ryan said.

DAB offers a wide variety of weekly classes for every skill level and interest type.

“We have a macramé workshop, pottery, watercolour, sketching, painting, glasswork, and mosaics; something for everybody really.

“We have absolute beginners, some of our members say they don't have any creative skills but they're doing pottery and mosaics and suddenly they’re interested in painting.

“We also have a group called Urban Sketchers which meet every Thursday morning, one week in Mosman and the next week in Port Douglas and they're actually sketching on location,” she said.

DAB Classes are either run by experienced tutors or are peer group orientated, meaning everyone gets together, works on their projects, talks and shares their ideas with like-minded people.

Ms Ryan said having a place for people to concentrate on art is extremely important for the community.

“So many people come in and say how good it is and if they are having a hard time at home or have physical or mental stress, they say how much doing their art just relaxes them and they forget about their problems. 

“Any sort of art is always a very therapeutic thing to do, all you do is concentrate on your artwork,” she said.

DAB run four exhibitions a year and their first of this year is ‘Silver and Sunshine’ which aligns with Port Douglas Carnivale.

Ms Ryan said the exhibition showcases local talent through a range of quality artworks with most of the pieces available to purchase.

“It gives the community an opportunity to display and sell their artwork locally,” she said.

The exhibition opened on Saturday 11 May and will run through to the 1 June in the DAB gallery at 11 Mill Street Mossman, opposite the library, open Monday to Saturday 10am to 2pm.

“To get involved with DAB just walk in the door and ask about membership or visit our website.”

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