Council looking for sponsors of annual garden awards

Douglas Shire Council is calling for local businesses to sponsor the 2019 Douglas Garden Awards.
Mayor Julia Leu said local exposure is a fantastic incentive for businesses to get involved in the popular awards.
“The inaugural awards were extremely well received by the community who were enthusiastic about showing off their innovative natural areas,” she said.
“We are offering our local businesses an opportunity to get involved and align their brand with the Douglas Garden Awards.”
There are three packages including Presenting Sponsorship, Gold Sponsorship, and Silver Sponsorship.
Presenting packages are available for $1000 with sponsors’ logos included in all media and adverting as well as a meet and greet photo opportunity with Costa and a certificate of appreciation.
Gold sponsorship packages are available for $500 and include naming rights to an award category as well as representations in media and promotions.
Silver sponsorship packages are available for $250 or products and includes logos included on all promotional posters and print advertisements promoting the gardening competition and logos included on a dedicated ‘Let it Grow-Douglas Garden Awards’ page on Council’s website, with a link to your business, and Facebook promotions.
All sponsors will also be invited to attend the presentation ceremony.
The sponsorship prospectus is available on Council’s website.
For those interested in sponsorship, please contact Community Development on 4099 9474 or email
Garden Awards Key dates:
- Entries Open – Monday June 3, 2019
- Entries Close – Friday July 12, 2019
- Finalist Judging – Wednesday July 31, 2019
- Finalist Judging – Thursday August 1, 2019
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