Carnivale a huge success says Mayor and tourism body

This year’s 25th anniversary Carnivale is being viewed as one of the best in years with record crowds and spectacular events.
At today’s Council meeting in Mossman, Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said it was both phenomenal and sensational.
“The feedback I have received has been fantastic, we were treated to outstanding weather and there were excellent events for the large crowds of people from the locals, to interstate and overseas,” she said.
She said she hoped this would herald a successful tourism season this year.
Tara Bennett, Executive Officer of Tourism Port Douglas Daintree, congratulated everyone involved in delivering the best Port Douglas Carnivale she‘s had the pleasure of being part of.
“I want to single out Paul Smyth from Douglas Shire Council, who was the driving force behind this year’s event.
“I was so pleased to meet visitors from Cairns and surrounds as well as interstate, who were here to join in the festivities,” she said.
Ms Bennett said the calendar of events perfectly captured a celebration of life in the tropics.
“This year’s generous sponsorship assisted in raising the bar with elements of the execution and I hope businesses will look to increase their support in 2020 to help organisers deliver another world class event.”
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