Young man charged with assault after main street fight

An 18-year-old man from Wonga Beach is facing one count of assault occasioning bodily harm for knocking a man out during a street fight outside a Port Douglas pub.
Police allege the young man and a 41-year-old Port Douglas man left a Macrossan Street pub just before midnight on Friday, 22 March, and were both outside the venue when the fight broke out.
It is alleged the younger man punched the older man in the head, causing him to fall to the ground and lose consciousness.
The man was transported to Cairns hospital by ambulance where he was treated for a cut to the head and bruising as a result of the incident.
The young man was subsequently charged by detective from Mossman on Saturday afternoon and is scheduled to appear at the Mossman Magistrates Court in April.
If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.
You can report information about crime anonymously to Crime Stoppers, a registered charity and community volunteer organisation, by calling 1800 333 000 or via 24hrs per day.
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