More phone reception for Douglas and Cook Shires

The northern reaches of the Douglas Shire and a handful of locations in the Cook Shire are set to get better phone reception with the announcement of six new base stations.
One of the stations will be built at Bloomfield River State School in Bloomfield and will allow for better phone reception in the area.
Other locations include Rossville, Eliot Falls, Musgrave River Roadhouse, Archer River Roadhouse and the Northern Peninsula Airport at Bamaga.
The stations are being funded under the forth round of the federal government’s $220 million Mobile Black Spot Program.
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the new connectivity will bring a host of benefits to the communities all the way up the cape.
“Improved mobile coverage will help keep our businesses connected, our families to stay in touch, and it means we can better access health and online services on the go,” he said.
“I have been actively campaigning for these locations and I am particularly pleased to see two locations identified along the Peninsula Development Road.
“This will greatly improve connectivity and more importantly safety along this ‘bucket list’ road.
“This is about listening, acting, and delivering for our community.”
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