Labor promises funding for environmental law service



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ENVIRONMENTAL: Elida Faith will be contesting the seat of Leichhardt in the May federal election. Image: Victoria Stone-Meadows.

Labor has promised to restore funding to the Northern Queensland Environmental Defenders Office if they win government in May.

Environmental Defenders Offices (EDO) provide free legal services with a specific expertise in environmental law and help people navigate planning and legal negotiations with environmental impacts.

They provide access to justice to individuals and groups who wish to take on large organisations ensuring Australia’s environmental laws are upheld.

Government funding was cut to EDOs across the country in 2014 but Labor have announced a $14 million funding package for the organisations to be shared among EDOs if they are successful in the upcoming federal election.

Labor Candidate for Leichhardt, Elida Faith, said that funding these types of services was crucial in Far North Queensland.

“Leichhardt is home to two World Heritage listed sites, the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest – what other electorate can say that?” she said.

“These beautiful sites are not only important for our environment, but sustain thousands of local jobs.”

“Far North Queenslanders are becoming increasingly concerned about the destruction of our natural environment under the Liberal-National government.”

“Properly-funded EDOs can make sure the environment has a voice in the courts, assisting all kinds of Australians to protect their natural surroundings.

That includes farmers, who make up a significant proportion of EDO clients.”

The Northern Queensland EDO declined to comment on political matters.

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