Community workshops to build Council's corporate plan


Douglas Shire Mayor, Julia Leu, is urging residents to participate in a series of workshops to express their views and how they can influence Council’s Corporate Plan.

The workshops – to be presented by Council CEO Mark Stoermer – will be held in Cape Tribulation and Cow Bay on 5 April; in Mossman on 10 April; and Port Douglas on 12 April. Councillors and the mayor will be in attendance.

Mayor Leu said Council is hoping to get a strong roll out to the workshops.

“These workshops are a golden opportunity to work with us on a five-year strategy and put forward a vision for Douglas Shire.

“We believe people will be interested in hearing the preliminary survey results which will be presented at the workshop, and participating in discussions and we want to encourage everyone to send in their RSVPs,” said Mayor Leu.

She said the community is jumping at the opportunity to influence the next Corporate Plan and showing a real enthusiasm to keep improving Douglas Shire.

This comes as Council has extended the deadline for the survey to April 14 to give a greater opportunity and better incorporate the workshops.

This follows a post card mail out and online survey which attracted more than 600 responses.

More than 4,000 Douglas Shire residents were provided with an opportunity to provide input towards Council’s 2019-2024 Corporate Plan development.

The replied-paid post card survey, sent to households, asked five questions:

  • What do you think are Douglas Shire’s top three challenges?
  • What should be Council’s top three priorities?
  • If you had $100 to spend, how would you allocate the funds across 15 listed areas, which included: roads, community services, environment protection, economic development and waste services, among others?
  • How do you keep updated with Council news?
  • List your suburb.

In addition to the mail-out survey, 5,500 e-mails were also sent to ratepayers.

Mayor Leu said the response has been fantastic and has exceeded expectations. 

“We have received over 600 completed surveys. 220 were completed post cards; 380 completed online.”

Mayor Julia Leu said survey preliminary results would be presented and discussed at the workshops.

“We want to give everyone in Douglas Shire an opportunity to influence how Council operates in the next five years,” she said.

Council said that more post cards will be mailed out this week and the online survey will remain open until the new deadline date. RSVP to

Public workshop details:

Friday 5 April 2019
Whet Restaurant 8:30am to 10:00am
Cow Bay Hotel – Bistro Room 11:30am to 1:00pm

Wednesday 10 April 2019
Council Offices, Mossman 4:00pm to 6:00pm

Friday 12 April 2019
Port Douglas Community Centre, 8:00am – 10:00am


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