Schools encouraged to register for electricity program



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Ergon Energy is encouraging Douglas Shire schools to register for the 2019 Safety Heroes program, which teaches students all about electricity.

Community Safety Manager Aaron Smith said Ergon was aiming for a 100 per cent participation rate after signing up 94 per cent of schools last year.

“This is a fantastic educational initiative that encourages safe behaviour around electrical equipment and sparks children’s interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

“Schools that register will receive a range of free resources to engage students, including teaching materials aligned with the Queensland curriculum, interactive whiteboard lessons and a simple circuit kit for Year 6 students,” Mr Smith said.

The Safety Heroes program caters for Prep to Year 6 and prize packs are provided as an incentive for students to pay close attention to lessons that have the power to save lives.

“Children are surrounded by electrical equipment from a young age, so it’s important that they are aware of the potential hazards and how to stay safe around the home, at school and when they’re out and about.

“The students share what they’ve learnt with younger siblings and even parents can benefit from a reminder about the importance of electrical safety,” Mr Smith said.

Ergon Energy will be recruiting volunteers from within its ranks to present the Safety Heroes program at various Queensland schools during Electricity Safety Week from 2-6 September.

Queensland primary schools have until 23 August to register by emailing or calling 07 3910 1052. 

Every school that registers will receive a P-6 lesson booklet, a simple circuit kit, USB, prizes, stickers, posters, and more.

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