New contractor for Mossman Aged Care construction



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Bill Franks Executive Director of Total Construction and Steve Taylor Managing Director of Total Construction with Richard de Haast National Director of The Salvation Army Aged Care signing the official contract for the construction of Kubirri Aged Care Centre in Mossman. Image: Salvation Army.

Construction will begin within the next four weeks on the Kubirri Aged Care Centre in Mossman following an announcement by The Salvation Army Aged Care today that Total Construction will build the centre.

It is expected to be opened in late 2020 and will accommodate 42 residents. Among the facilities, there will be a recreation centre, an on-site hairdresser, an open garden, entertainment area and there will be care and nursing staff on 24-hour duty.

This follows plans and discussions with the Douglas Shire Council and the Mossman District Nursing Home Committee to commence construction at the start of the dry season. 

Richard de Haast, National Director of The Salvation Army Aged Care, said this milestone marks the beginning of a long awaited start to this meaningful community project.

“We are thrilled to share the news that we have secured a contract with Total Construction, a reputable and reliable builder that is just as committed to the Kubirri Aged Care Centre project as we have been,” he said.

Total Construction has confirmed that they will be on site and will commence building as soon as possible, with plans to transition onto the land within the next four weeks.

Steve Taylor, Managing Director of Total Construction says they are looking forward to working in partnership with The Salvation Army Aged Care. 

“This is quite a momentous occasion for us. It’s a great opportunity to be part of an exciting project with The Salvation Army Aged Care. We’ve got lots of experience in the field, including 15 years in aged care, and this marks the 100th project for us.”

The centre will create a positive environment for older Australians, while driving long term employment opportunities, and leading the way with an environmentally sustainable design to minimise an environmental footprint.

The Salvation Army Aged Care is a division of The Salvation Army Australian Territory and provides aged care services to over 2000 older Australians.

The Salvation Army Aged Care has 20 residential aged care centres across Australia, six centrally located retirement villages, one respite and day centre in the Australian Capital Territory and a range of Community Care programs assisting older Australians in their home.

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