Shire-wide water refill stations to go ahead in Douglas

A petition seeking Council to install water refilling stations in Port Douglas was unanimously endorsed at an ordinary meeting in Council Chambers today.
Petitioned by Maggie Lee, who garnered 538 signatories, it asked Council to consider installing water refilling stations in Port Douglas to help reduce the amount of single use plastic water bottles, which in turn will protect the waterways, Great Barrier Reef and the marine creatures, as well as reduce the amount of plastic sent to landfill.
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The water stations will not be restricted to Port Douglas, but will be installed across the shire.
Council has allocated $25,000 for hydration stations for events which includes mobile water stations; and the $1.5 million for the parks program also includes water fountains to be installed across the shire.
“This will add to the water stations installed over the past few years and we will see more rolled out over the next 12 months,” said Mayor Julia Leu.
“I am appreciative of this community support, and living in the tropics we are all aware of avoiding dehydration and the installation of additional water stations is important,” she said.
Mayor Julia Leu said the new stations would help reduce single use plastic and encourage people to re-use water bottles.
Other 2019-20 waste reduction highlights include:
- Develop and implement “Butt it Bin It” program
- Develop a Plastic Free Douglas strategy
- Continue Council’s waste and recycling education program
- Implement a Cape Tribulation transfer station
- Begin development of a new Corporate Sustainability Strategy for 2021 - 2025
The petition received support from the following groups:
- Plastic Free Douglas
- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
- Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree
- Douglas Local Marine Advisory Committee
- Douglas Shire Sustainability Group
- Tangaroa Blue
- Reef Clean
The matter has now been referred to the Chief Executive Officer.
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