Mossman Hospital among first to pass new standards


Karlie Brady


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Peter LeGriffon accepting the accreditation on behalf of the staff at Mossman District Hospital. Image: Karlie Brady

Mossman District Hospital, along with the entire Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service, is the first health service in Australia to pass new national safety regulations.

The Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service was assessed against the new second edition of the National Safety and Quality Health Service standards and passed with flying colours.

Director of Nursing at Mossman District Hospital, Peter Le Griffon, said the accreditation assesses standards of care for patients, facility equipment, operational staff, allied health components, and administration.

“Each one of those areas has criteria that we have to pass and we passed all standards, so they are happy with everything we are doing,” Mr Le Griffon said.

“It shows that even though we are in a rural area, the standards of care at Mossman Hospital are as good as any other hospital in Queensland, whether it's in a metro area or a little town.

“So a patient coming to Mossman Hospital is going to get the same standard of care as they would in a bigger city.

“I am very happy with the outcome, it’s good to see that the hard work we do every day is actually getting recognition,” Mr Le Griffon said.

The Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service CEO, Clare Douglas, said the accreditation result is a significant achievement.

“To achieve a perfect score against all 148 required actions under the standards is an enormous credit to our clinicians, managers, administration and operational staff,” Ms Douglas said.

“This accreditation means the community can have confidence that we deliver safe and high-quality health services and that this has been independently verified,” Ms Douglas said.

The Health Service scored top marks on the National Standards from 16 independent assessors from the Australian Council on Health Care Standards.

The Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service said the final report also highlights the important improvements made to governance, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and partnerships, and mental health services.

The National Safety and Quality Health Service standards are designed to improve the quality of health service provision and ensure the safe delivery of health services.

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