LETTER | The Liberal's can't be trusted with mental health


Dear Editor,

Mental health issues affect one-in-five people in our community, which means we all know at least somebody who is living with poor mental health.

People of all walks of life, and in all regions across Queensland, need real mental health investment, and the Palaszczuk Government is listening and delivering.

Since coming to government, we’ve increased funding for mental health programs by $200 million dollars.

Last month’s budget alone included a huge $62 million investment in services aimed at reducing suicide rates across the state.

We’ve also announced an extra $227 million over five years for community mental health services to provide critical psychosocial care for those in need.

Meanwhile, the previous LNP government cut $45 million from mental health in their first year in office. This was the first-time mental health spending has ever been cut in Queensland, and the biggest cut ever made by a state or territory government.

They closed the Barrett Centre – the only residential adolescent mental health facility in Queensland. This left countless vulnerable young people with nowhere to go.

And they cut doctors and nurses in every region of Queensland, putting more pressure on Emergency Departments, and leaving fewer resources for early intervention.

The LNP can’t be trusted to deliver mental health services to people in this state.

Labor has always done the heavy lifting on health investment across Queensland.

Only the Palaszczuk Government will put patients first and deliver services for Queenslanders.

Hon Steven Miles, Queensland Minister for Health and Ambulance Services

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