Lending a friendly hand to support the Mossman Hospital

The Mosman and Douglas Friends of the Foundation are calling for more volunteers to join their great cause.
The Friends of the Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that provides support to the Mossman District Hospital.
Made up of committee members and volunteers, the foundation provides support in a variety of ways, from lending a helping hand around the hospital to fundraising to help subsidise upgrades to equipment.
Volunteer Deborah Kachel said that many of the volunteers work hands-on in the hospital, including assisting the nursing staff, helping children with activities, and reading to patients.
“There are also a number of volunteers working with fundraising because the hospital really needs extra funds to supplement upgrades to equipment,” she said.
“It could mean getting that better quality stretcher for somebody or a better quality bed.”
She added that the foundation’s fundraising efforts are numerous, including a craft stall at the recent Quilt and Craft Expo, a red dress run through Port Douglas, and local school fundraisers.
“We are currently in the process of preparing for an art exhibition from paintings that were donated to the hospital,” Ms Kachel said.
The Foundation will also have a stall set up at the upcoming Mossman Show, selling various items and raffle tickets.
“We would love people to come along and support the fundraising efforts and also find out a little bit more about the Friends of the Foundation because there might be people who have a little bit of time they can give up.
“It doesn't mean you've got to give up hours and hours, it might be half an hour or an hour every week that you can give to do something to help support the hospital.”
Ms Kachel said the foundation has been in operation for many years with a number of people on the committee and volunteering over that time.
However, support had dwindled and when she became involved at the beginning of this year, there was only one volunteer left.
“I’ve been involved in helping to build that volunteer-base and now we have eight volunteers and we're still looking for more.”
“It’s so important to be able to access quality healthcare and to know that you're being cared for,” Ms Kachel said.
If you would like to help the Mosman and Douglas Friends of the Foundation in anyway email Mossman.douglas.fof@health.qld.gov.au.
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