GALLERY | Accor charity cricket day a smashing success

The seventh annual Accor North Queensland Cricket Charity event was a smash hit on Sunday when 44 locals donned their whites to raise money for charity.
The Port Douglas Sport Complex came alive as four teams of 11 players took each other on in a friendly competition.
Accor employees, key suppliers, business people, and local cricket players all did their best in the stunning tropical sunshine.
The event was an incredible success with $13,000 raised for the Accor Community Fund via raffles and online auctions, with major prizes such as holiday packages, tour vouchers, and gift packs up for grabs.
The Accor Community Fund is committed to building healthy families by supporting five foundation partners under the three focus areas of youth, health and wellbeing and diversity.
Proceeds from the event are distributed to the Kokoda Youth Foundation, Lifeline, Garven Institute of Medical Research, AIME Mentoring and the Australian Childhood Foundation.
A spokesperson for Accor said the cricket day was a great community event and a fantastic way for the business to show their support to the Community Fund.
“It was fantastic to see yet another big community turn out to the event this year,” said the spokesperson.
“The day would not have been a success without our team members who are incredibly supportive and proud of the Community Fund and the work of the foundation partners within it.”
Mayor of Douglas Shire Julia Leu officially opened the event and representatives from Lifeline presented sobering facts about the realisation of those seeking counselling nationally.
Accor would like to sincerely thank those who generously donated gifts, prizes and services to the event.
Director of Newsport Publishing, Sam Cullen, said Newsport is proud to be a partner of such a wonderful event.
"Accor Hotels employ hundreds of locals and invest enormous amounts of money bringing tourists to our region," he said.
"Helping them support the community via Lifeline and other charities seems like an appropriate way to say thank you."
"The Newsport XI made the finals but couldn’t quite secure the converted winners trophy this year but we’ll be back. Congratulations to the Misfits XI and their captain Jimmy Dormer. See you all next year."
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