Ergon's new apprentice applications open for business

About a dozen new job opportunities will open across Far North Queensland as Ergon and Energex begin a recruitment for their early-2020 apprenticeship intake.
The electricity distributors will welcome 95 new starters next January and February, with network and substation roles on offer across the state.
Ergon is recruiting six apprentices in Cairns and one apprenticeship is on offer at each of the following depots: Atherton, Georgetown, Mareeba, Mossman, Ravenshoe, Thursday Island.
Apprenticeships are available across a range of field and substation disciplines, including electricians, distribution and transmission linespersons, communications technicians and mechanical fitters.
Ergon Energy’s Tropical Coast Area Manager, Mitch Wyper, said these jobs are always popular with regional applicants.
“These roles represent opportunities for people to earn, learn and work in their own communities,” he said.
“It’s a win all-round – local communities benefit from being able to retain local talent, it’s great for apprentices to be able to launch their electricity industry careers closer to home, and there’s that special sense of pride and commitment that comes of living and working in the communities that you serve.
“The other dynamic we see is candidates who are excited at the opportunity to relocate to a new location, often in a regional area, and they tend to build very strong connections and lives in these communities.”
The roles are open to eople from all walks of life and Mr Wyper encouraged anyone to apply.
“We’ve had a strong focus on encouraging diversity of age, gender and background, and this is translating into interest from a broader group of very high-calibre candidates and a workforce that really reflects our communities,” he said.
“I’m excited to see who throws their hat into the ring this year.”
For more information or to apply for the 2020 intake, visit the Ergon or Energex websites. Applications close at 10.00pm on Monday, 5 August 2019.
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