Boat registration stickers get the flick in October

The Queensland Government is doing away with boat registration stickers, which will not need to be displayed on boats after 1 October this year.
Acting Transport and Main Roads Minister Steven Miles said getting rid of the stickers will be better for boaties across the state.
“Boat registration stickers peel and fade because they are constantly exposed to the harsh weather and there are still offences associated with not having one properly displayed,” Mr Miles said.
“That doesn’t make sense really and boaties have called for us to get rid of them, so we are.”
Boats will still need to be registered and all boats - including personal watercraft such as JetSkis - with an engine of 3kW or more must be registered when they are on the water in Queensland.
Maritime Safety Queensland, Queensland Police Service and compliance partners would continue to enforce registration of vessels through the vessel registration numbers on the hull.
Mr Miles said it’s important boat owners ensure their boat registration is up to date.
“We’re getting rid of stickers but not registration requirements,” Mr Miles said.
“Boat owners will still need to ensure their vessel is registered and registration renewal notices will be sent to them as usual before the due date.”
Boaties can sign up to receive email reminders for their boat registration here.
You can also check if your boat’s rego is current at or by downloading the Qld Rego Check App.
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