Welcoming new Australians to Douglas Shire in 2019

Fourteen people from eight countries will be granted official Australian citizenship by Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu at the Port Douglas Community Hall on Saturday morning.
The new citizens, from Canada, Congo, Germany, New Zealand, United Kingdom, South Africa, Thailand and Poland, will receive an official certificate, a native plant and a new set of Australian thongs to welcome them to the tropics.
According to Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2016 Census Data, about 20 per cent of Douglas Shire residents were born overseas. This is two per cent above the average for Far Northern councils.
“Every year we officially welcome new Australian citizens who inject richness and build on the diversity of this beautiful shire,” Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said.
“They all have their own fantastic stories and everyone gets the opportunity to tell theirs on this special day.
“Douglas Shire has always been a hub for diversity and multiculturalism,” Cr Leu said.
Cr Leu, meanwhile, scoffed at suggestions last week by Prime Minister Scott Morrison that a dress code, of formal or smart casual clothing, will be enforced.
“This is a very important institution, citizenship,” he said.
In a statement, Cr Leu said: “We live in tropical Far North Queensland for goodness sakes – thongs and board shorts are a necessity.
“Business shirts and ties may be comfortable in an air-conditioned office in Canberra, but try wearing that on a scorching hot day in Port Douglas.
“I am urging our new Douglas Shire citizens to slip on your best thongs and boardies for Australia Day in Port Douglas. Seriously, who is going to play the role of fashion police, and for what purpose?”
WHERE: Port Douglas Community Hall, Mowbray St.
WHEN: Saturday 26 January 2019
- BBQ Breakfast – 7.30am
- Australia Day Citizenship – 9.30am
- Australia Day Awards Ceremony – 10am
- Aussie morning tea with lamingtons and damper – 10.30am
Mossman SES will be cooking the BBQ to raise money for the local service.
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