Road works funded for the New Year

The Douglas Shire Council is set to receive more than $1 million in funding for roads but can't reveal where the money is to be spent until budget time.
Douglas Shire Council has been allocated $1,097,347 under the federal government’s Roads to Recovery (R2R) Program.
Mayor Julia Leu said the funding is good for council but priority projects are yet to be considered or finalised by council.
“Douglas Shire Council acknowledges the Federal Government’s investment through the Roads to Recovery program over the next five years,” she said.
“Council’s priorities will be reviewed and projects will be confirmed during the budget process for the 2019/2020 financial year.”
While she couldn’t comment on any specific projects, Cr Leu did flag a number of ways the funding could be spent.
“Council is able to use the R2R allocation on a wide range of projects including: maintenance, construction, gravel re-sheeting, sealing roads, resealing roads, bridge/culverts, drainage, traffic improvements, bicycle and footpaths,” she said.
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the funding will allow council’s in the Far North to provide jobs and improve the safety of their communities.
“One of the best aspects of this program is local councils, who have the local knowledge, decide which projects should be made a priority,” he said.
“The program is particularly important for the more remote communities in Far North Queensland who rely on this funding to build and maintain the infrastructure their communities need.”
Other For North Councils awarded federal funding under the R2R Program include:
- Aurukun Shire Council - $214,996
- Cairns Regional Council - $7,322,071
- Carpentaria Shire Council - $2,847,698
- Cook Shire Council - $5,115,662
- Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council - $254,913
- Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council - $629,723
- Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council - $322,973
- Mapoon Aboriginal Council - $106,959
- Mareeba Shire Council - $4,598,660
- Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council - $325,820
- Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council - $709,769
- Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council - $987,774
- Torres Shire Council - $625,152
- Torres Strait Island Regional Council - $777,151
- Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Council - $39,825
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