Mossman Community College a federal funding winner
Leichhardt electorate

The Far North Community College in Mossman is one of 10 community organisations to receive a grant from the federal government.
Federal MP for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch, today announced the successful grant applicants of the Stronger Communities Programme.
The programme is aimed at ensuring community groups and organisations have the resources they need to deliver social benefits to their regions.
Included in the list of successful recipients is almost $8,000 for the Far North Community College.
The money will allow the adult learning centre to purchase new equipment and training aids for at-home carers.
Mr Entsch said the grants allow communities to grow stronger through engagement of the local community.
“This is one of my favourite government programs because it focuses on community-based organisations,” he said.
“The 10 successful projects will bring people together, strengthen social connections, build community participation and continue to create vibrant and viable communities.
“Our communities are the beating heart of Far North Queensland and the investment in these 10 local projects is about invigorating these communities and ensuring their continued success.”
To be eligible for the funding, grant applicants had to provide matched funding to the grant with grants ranging between $2,500 and $20,000.
The other successful grant applicants in Far North Queensland were:
- Cairns Mountain Bike Club
- Laura District Rodeo and Camp Draft Association
- Weipa Community Care Association
- St Vincent de Paul Society (Manunda)
- Kuranda Men’s Shed
- MJD Foundation
- Cape York Folk Club
- Catholic Diocese of Cairns (St Joseph’s Primary School)
- Cairns Hockey Association
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