GALLERY | Douglas netballers conditioned and at the ready
Local Sport
It’s all systems go for the Douglas Netball Association with pre-season strength and conditioning sessions being held over the next couple of weeks at St Augustine’s undercover area.
Participation is free and it is the ideal preparation to be netball ready for the new season.
There are two sessions, two days per week, which started on 15 January, with approximately 30 girls attending per day over the two sessions. Ages range from 10 to adult.
There is an exciting year ahead, with the rep carnival in May; DNA is sending two teams to the Nissan State Age Championships (typically attended by 3,000 competitors) in Pine Rivers in July; and there will be selections throughout February and March for teams who will travel to Singapore in July as part of the Kenfrost Homes Marlin Coast Junior and Premier League.
Further details are avai;able on the Douglas Netball association Facebook Page and on their Instagram.
Check out these images from the recent training sessions
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