Cop bitten at domestic disturbance in Mossman

A 31-year-old Mossman woman was arrested yesterday and has faced court after biting a police officer.
Police were called to a property on Lund Street in the Mossman Gorge at about 5.30pm yesterday to reports of a domestic disturbance.
Officers allege, after the disturbance had been quelled, the woman resisted arrest while being escorted to a waiting police car.
Police say she physically resisted the officers before biting a 31-year-old male officer on the wrist.
The police officer attended the Mossman Hospital for treatment of the bite injury.
The woman was placed in the rear of the police car and transported to the Mossman police station where she was charged with one count each of serious assault and obstructing police.
She faced the Cairns Magistrates Court this morning following her arrest yesterday.
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