Roy Zammataro to re-contest in 2020 council elections

Councillor Roy Zammataro today announced that he will re-contest his position on Council and run in the local government election on Saturday 28 March 2020.
And the Mossman-based Zammataro said he is calling on Mayor Julia Leu and Deputy Mayor Abigail Noli to also re-contest their positions.
“Both have done a great deal for the community and will continue to achieve a lot and I would like to see them both re-elected,” he said.
It is unknown at this stage whether Mayor Leu along with Councillors David Carey, Noli and Michael Kerr will re-contest in the March election.
In mid-January well known Port Douglas business identity and manager of the Port Douglas District Combined Clubs (Tin Shed), Kim Rowley, announced his intention to contest one of the four councillor positions.
Zammataro said he maintained a strong interest in the shire and this is among the main reasons for running again.
“I am deeply interested in the shire, I would not like to see it deteriorate, or see it get in the wrong hands. I would like to continue to keep it as it is,” he said.
Zammataro said he was proud of the fact that Council was heading towards surplus in 2020 and that they had not reneged on any operational work.
“We also have a lot to look forward to. The Crystalbrook Collection re-development of the marina is moving in the right direction.
“This is extremely positive for the community, it will generate about 150 jobs which means 150 families are being fed and lots of people are being employed,” he said.
Zammataro is still standing firm on his decision not to endorse the proposed Craiglie location for the Paws and Claws refuge centre.
“I said at the time it would be a minefield and I stand by that view,” he said. The matter is currently locked in a legal battle between Paws and Claws and Craiglie businessmen who opposed the location in an 11th hour application.
Zammataro also listed positives such as the Mossman Mill which will soon be locally owned and would directly and indirectly affect many people; the Daintree River ferry contract is coming up for renewal; and said he would like to see carbon neutrality in the shire.
“As for my chances, it’s up to the voters, their minds can change and I understand that, but I’d be looking forward to another four years if re-elected,” he said.
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