Repairs well underway after Australia day landslide

Contractors have drilled more than 75 specialised soil nails into the landslip slope at the Alexandra Range on the Cape Tribulation Road and Alexandra Range to help stabilise the damaged area.
The emergency repairs are currently underway to prevent further damage where a portion of Cape Tribulation Road broke away during a landslip which occurred on the Australia Day weekend, according to an alert on Douglas Shire Council’s website.
“Further geotechnical investigations indicate deeper drilling will be required to strengthen the area which will involve inserting a further 70 soil nails into the slope and spraying the slope with concrete.
“Once completed, restoration of the missing road lane will start and until then, the road will be open to one lane only, with delays of up to 15 minutes.
“Traffic controllers will remain in place to manage traffic flows. Motorists should note that at times, there will be periods of worker inactivity to let the concrete strengthen.
“Council is still aiming to re-open the road to two lanes before Easter, weather permitting,” it says.

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