Council grants available for industry and art development


The second round of funding has opened for successful applicants through the Event Funding Program and Industry Development Funding Program.

Excess grant funding will be tipped into successful event and industry development projects in Douglas Shire.

Douglas Shire Council initially allocated more than $38,000 to a wide range of community projects earlier this year with the second round offering nearly $22,000. 

Council officers will work with applicants and unsuccessful applicants from the first round to help deliver a compliant application.

The funding closes 4 March 2019.

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between state and local governments which invests in quality arts and cultural experiences across Queensland based on locally determined priorities.

RADF promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers to: support diversity and inclusivity; grow strong regions; and provide training, education and employment opportunities for Queensland artists and local communities.

Under a RADF renewal Councils now deliver locally tailored RADF programs based on the identified priorities, opportunities and capacities of their local communities.


This means that RADF may look different place to place as to best respond to the ways of working and aspirations of local communities.

RADF objectives include:
• supporting local artists and arts and cultural activity to deliver value for local communities
• provide opportunities for local communities to participate in arts and cultural activities
• invest in locally-determined priorities delivered through arts and cultural activity
• contribute towards current government priorities.

Douglas Shire Council’s locally identified priorities were determined through community engagement and community feedback during the development of Douglas Shire Council’s Corporate Plan 2014-2019 and 2017-2021 Arts Strategy.

More information, visit the Douglas Shire Community Grants webpage.



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