Australia Day Award nominees announced for new ceremony

Outstanding citizens of the Douglas Shire will be celebrated at a re-booted Australia Day Awards ceremony later this month.
Douglas Shire Council is encouraging locals to come down to the Port Douglas Community Hall on Saturday, 23 February for a free BBQ breakfast and civic recognition ceremony.
The Citizenship ceremony, which also had to be postponed because of the weather, will be held on Thursday, 21 February at 9.00am.
There are 23 people who are up for awards across seven categories.
Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said the event would be a fantastic opportunity to celebrate local champions after a trying period of adverse weather.
“We are keen to make this a day to remember for our special award winners,” she said.
“Our region has certainly been up against it recently, but now we have a great chance to come together and celebrate Douglas Shire’s high achievers.
“Council extends the invitation across Douglas Shire for locals to grab a free feed, have a chat and get behind our award winners.”
The Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre and Council will be cooking the free breakfast.
Awards will be announced in the following categories:
- Citizen of the Year recognises outstanding members of the community for their personal endeavours, achievements and community involvement;
- Young Citizen of the Year recognises young citizens aged 25 years or under (on 26 January 2018) for their personal endeavours, achievements and community involvement;
- Volunteer of the Year recognises members of the community of any age making significant and lasting contributions to the social, recreational, environmental and economic quality of life in the community through their endeavours on behalf of individuals, organisations, charities, service groups, clubs, churches, sporting groups, health or youth.
- Arts and Cultural Award recognises members of the community of any age making significant and lasting contributions to arts and culture in the community.
- Environmental Achievement Award recognises members of the community of any age making significant and lasting contributions to the environment.
- Senior Sports Award recognises sports people for their personal endeavours and achievements in their sporting code.
- Junior Sports Award (Aged 18 years or under at 26 January 2018) recognises young sports people for their personal endeavours and achievements in their sporting code.
The Mossman High School band will also be performing.
Nominations include:
- Saskia Turner – for contributions to our performing arts community
- Heather Walton – for contributions to the local community
- Brian ‘Binna’ Swindley – for contributions to our arts and culture community
- Unity Beitzel – for sporting achievements in athletics
- Nathan Deuble – for contributions to our services and local community
- Ann- Marie Clark – for contributions to the local community
- Lynda Irvine – for contributions to the local arts community
- Heath Barry – for achievements in motor sports
- Lisa Smith – for contributions to the local community
- Sara Harris – for contributions to the local community
- Daniel Davidson – for sporting achievements in AFL football
- Jake Mantus – for contributions to the local community
- Jake Girgenti – for contributions to the arts and culture community
- Jasmine Kirk – for contributions to the local community
- Cassia Jansen – for contributions to the arts community
- Shirley Lloyds – for contributions to the arts community
- Heidi (pronounced Haydee) Taylor – for contributions to the environment
- Jo Dau – for contributions to the local community
- Ben Shrimpton – for sporting achievements in cricket
- Adrian Whittaker – for sporting achievements as a triathlete
- Jacky Cooke – for sporting achievements in outrigging, mountain bike riding and marathon events.
- Matthew Santarossa – for sporting achievements in cricket and rugby league
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