Wrapping service a boost to Christmas spirit

The Christmas spirit has been found, and it’s in Mossman!
The Mossman and Douglas Friends of the Foundation are rolling out their very first Christmas Wrapping Service in Mossman and Port Douglas from December 14-21.
Mossman and Douglas Friends of the Foundation spokesman Peter LeGriffon said many local businesses had sponsored the fundraising initiative.
“For a gold coin donation, harried shoppers this year can ‘pass the parcel’ to one of our nimble-fingered volunteers who will staff their first Christmas gift wrapping service in the shire,” Mr LeGriffon said.
“With yards and yards of wrapping paper, artistic efforts and raffle tickets too, we hope to raise a lot of money for the Mossman Hospital leading up to the Christmas period,” he said.
Mossman businesses have donated prizes for the monster Christmas raffle to the value of $2500. As well, $350 worth of sponsorship was gathered to subsidise the costs involved with the Christmas Wrap.
The gift wrapping service will be rolled out at the Town and Country Shopping Centre in Mossman (beside Prices Plus) and the Port Village Shopping Centre in Port Douglas (outside Coles Supermarket).
All money raised from gift wrapping and the raffle will go directly towards improving health services at the Mossman Hospital.
Anyone with spare time who would like to get involved with gift wrapping can sign up here.
For further information, to donate or volunteer for the Foundation visit Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation.
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