Waste collection services operate as usual

Douglas Shire Council’s recycling and waste collection services will operate as usual through the Christmas period and there will be no changes to any wheelie bin days.
Council offices, meanwhile, will be closed from 12pm Tuesday 24 December 2019, to the start of business on Thursday 2 January 2020.
Waste transfer stations:
Newell Beach and Daintree Transfer Stations are closed on all public holidays.
Killaloe and Cow Bay Transfer Stations are only closed on Christmas Day.
Outdoor crew:
All Open Spaces Crews will be concentrating on giving the Shire a clean and polish before and during the festive season.
Over the Christmas period, skeleton crews will operate in Port Douglas and Mossman Depots ensuring the parks, streetscapes and amenities are kept clean and tidy.
Daintree Ferry:
The Daintree Ferry will operate on Christmas Day between 7:30am to 5pm
Douglas Libraries:
Mossman Library and Port Douglas Library will be closed from 12pm Tuesday 24 December 2019 to the start of business on Thursday 2 January 2020.
Mossman Pool & Caravan Park:
24 December: CLOSED from 3pm
25 December: CLOSED
26 December: CLOSED
1 January: CLOSED
Operating hours will be 9am – 4pm for the period 27 December to 5 January (excluding Public Holiday hours as noted above).
Normal operating hours will resume from Monday 6 January 2020.
** After-hours number for any council-related emergencies: (07) 4099 9444
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