Possible sighting of missing man in Daintree as search comes to an end

The search for Victorian man, Milan Lemic, who has been missing in the Daintree for more than a week has been suspended.
Police and SES today conducted a final search of the Bairds Crossing area, north of the Daintree Village, where the 29-year-old was last seen on Sunday 22 December.
- Police continue to search for missing man in Daintree area
- Police search underway for man missing in Daintree
Police are continuing to appeal for public assistance after an unconfirmed but credible possible sighting of Mr Lemic on Boxing Day.
A witness said they saw a man matching Mr Lemic’s description carrying an Adidas sports bag (similar to the one pictured) on Boxing Day in Pioneer Park, Daintree Village.

At the time the man was in company with an Aboriginal man and was picking mangoes from a large tree. The Aboriginal man is described as short in stature.
Police believe this man may be able to assist and are appealing for this man to contact them.
Enquiries with Mr Lemic’s family confirm he owns a similar sports bag and he is believed to have had it with him.
Police would also like to speak to anyone who remembers seeing a man carrying this sports bag in the Daintree Village on or about Boxing Day (26 December).
Mr Lemic spoke to family on 21 December from the Daintree area and at the time discussed seeking work in the local area.
Police also continue to urge locals, many who have already searched their properties on foot, in vehicles and on quadbikes, to check or re-check for any indications someone may have sought shelter on their property.
Members of Mr Lemic’s family have travelled to the Daintree, speaking with search coordinators, police and locals, as well as visiting Bairds Crossing where he was last seen around 4.30pm on Sunday, 22 December next to his bogged black utility.
Despite being crocodile country, police don’t believe the man was attacked after the animals found in the area were deemed too small to take a human.
Police continue to liaise and update Mr Lemic’s family with family members expected to return later this week.
Mr Lemic is described as being Caucasian, approximately 191cms tall, with a proportionate build, longer collar-length brown hair and unkempt facial hair.
If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.
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