Port Douglas digs deep for bushfire relief

Fire relief was the big winner when $5561.70 was raised on Tuesday night at the Band Together for Bush Fire Relief concert at the Central Hotel in Port Douglas.
The money was raised solely from money tins and raffle tickets.
Residents and popular local musicians including Timber & Wood, Gusman, The Kroovs, Seachange, Stuie Harcourt, Elliot Davidson, and The Walker Brothers willingly offered their time to pull this free concert together.
Event organiser, Jeni Maxwell, said she was blown away by the number of people who turned up to support the cause.
“It was one of the best nights. I am gobsmacked and overwhelmed by it all,” she said.
“The amount raised was more than I expected.
“My thanks to to all the local business for coming on board and everyone that gave up their time.”
All funds raised will go to the to bush fire affected communities through the Rural Fire Services’ initiative, GIVEIT.
Ms Maxwell said she and the local firefighters will decide which areas have been most
affected by the recent and ongoing bushfires and the money will go to them.
“Thanks to the firefighters for coming down; they did a fantastic job raising money on the night,” Ms Maxwell said.
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