Police release new picture of man missing in the Daintree

Police, with the support of the State Emergency Service (SES) continue to search areas of the Daintree for missing 29-year-old Victorian man Milan Lemic, who was last seen next to his bogged utility on the afternoon of Sunday, December 22.
Mr Lemic’s family, who attended the search scene yesterday with police, have provided an updated photo of Milan.
Extensive searches of the area, which have included personnel in vehicles, on foot and in boats, as well as helicopter and drone support, have so far failed to locate Mr Lemic.
Mr Lemic’s parents travelled from Melbourne to the Daintree and yesterday spoke with police as well as the locals who last saw Mr Lemic around 4.30pm on the 22nd near the Daintree River at Bairds Crossing.
An updated description and photograph (attached) describes Mr Lemic as being Caucasian, approximately 191cms tall, with a proportionate build, longer collar length brown hair and unkempt facial hair.
Police and SES will attend the search location again today and tomorrow (28 and 29) to conduct further extensive patrols using drone technology and SES resources.
Police will also extend inquiries to local businesses in the region as Mr Lemic was displaying a particular focus on obtaining casual work in the area prior to his disappearance.
Police continue to appeal to local residents to check their properties, sheds and outbuildings.
If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.
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